
Now THIS is where I actually rant the most. I think it's because video games fully captivate me and i'm fully invested in the storylines and gameplays so I notice more..

My backloggd is angelbabydoll if you'd be interested in reading a log.

Game Information Thoughts

Resident Evil 4 Remake

Review: 4.0/5.0

Genre: Survival Horror

Platform: PC

I really really enjoyed this game! It's a little bit different than what I usually play, however I loved the change. I don't usually play shooter games like that I always thought I wouldn't be able to do them but I actually learned that I really enjoy combat and make the game so much more thrilling!

The story was interesting and easy to follow along, I love Leon Kennedy so much ♡ I loved the graphics, the plot and everything about it. It was definitely a step up from the last two remakes. It took me 14 hours to finish the game!

I also liked how protective Leon was over Ashley, as he was willing to do anything to keep her safe.

The scariest part for me was the part where you had to fight Verdugo in the underground labs. He was so scary because of how fast and unexpected he was, as he could just pop out of nowhere and scare you, and everytime I thought I lost him i'd turn around and scream when I see him running towards me at full speed. It was so thrilling and creepy!!

The regenerators were also scary but after figuring out what needed to be done to get rid of them, they weren't as scary anymore. However the iron maidens were scarier for me as they were unexpected.

The Quarry

Review: 2.5/5.0

Genre: Adventure

Platform: PS4

I finished this game a while ago however I just haven't gotten a chance to actually post about it. So sorry! My bad (*ToT*) ; Anyways, this game was super amazing and I really loved playing it. This game felt like more than a game, it was an experience!

I really loved each character, some more than others, however they were all cool and interesting, with their own personality. There are some I wish had more screentime, such as Nick and Max however their scenes were still pretty amazing! My favourites were definitely Dylan and Kaitlyn, I liked Kaitlyn more while I was playing the game however Dylan's actor Miles Robbins made me like him even more, he's such a cool person! I ended up watching his streams of the game afterwards and watching it made me like Dylan even more. I've been watching some of his other streams as well and he seems awesome! Very nice indeed. (=^_^=);

I wanted to also talk about something more precisely the game controls (..quite a random topic!) I found the QTEs much more bearable this time around. This made the game less stressful and more enjoyable for me. I also appreciated not having to disable QTE timeouts, as they add a bit more excitement to the gameplay. I hope Supermassive continues using the same controls for future games!

I'd also like to mention that I thought the werewolves design was TERRIBLE, It could have been so much more. It looks way too much like the wendigo from Until Dawn, and not even like a werewolf. They weren't even furry or anything.. the animation was also wack. Huge miss on this one, was not scared at all of them!

Anyways, in terms of storyline and gameplay, I really did enjoy it! I honestly felt it should have been longer, and that it had a more detailed ending. It felt a bit off to me, how everything was just over and they all just went about their lives. Even the fact that they were able to kill Silas in that one night even when Travis had been looking for him for 6 years with no success, for me that was unrealistic.

As for my game results/stats, everyone survived for me! I also got nobody (except Ryan) bit, kinda wanna replay it to get everyone infected since I saw how cooler the gameplays can be if you take that route. So I look forward to doing that!

Anyways, this game was really fun! I'm really into these kinds of game and am hoping to find even more like it!

Until Dawn

Review: 3.5/5.0

Genre: Horror

Platform: PS4

I just finished playing this game, and I felt so many emotions. I've never felt more anxiety and panic while playing a game, but then again, I haven't played video games as much as I have recently, so I don't have much to compare to.

I just finished playing this game, and I felt so many emotions. I've never felt more anxiety and panic while playing a game, but then again, I haven't played video games as much as I have recently, so I don't have much to compare to.

I really enjoyed everything about this game; it's also very nostalgic for me because in 2015, I vividly remember watching my dad play it, and I was obsessed with it, searching on YouTube and watching videos about it. If I had told my 6-year-old self that I would eventually play it too, I'm sure she would have been very happy to hear that.

Anyway, this game was extremely amazing. The "don't move" sequences were very stressful in the final chapter; I don't think I've ever felt so much anxiety. Those were the most intense 20 seconds of my life, waiting for the monster to leave so it would end.

Obviously, I had to do everything right to get a good ending. Honestly... the controller vibrations, the sound of the heartbeat, and the overall intensity of the scene were too much for me. I didn't even breathe because I was afraid of making a mistake (and yet, I still made one). I really needed much more time than necessary to complete the final part; I kept getting killed by the wendigo, and it was so frustrating.

And how did I manage? I turned off the controller vibrations, left it on the table, and waited... I was a bit disappointed that I had to do that, but I spent embarrassingly long trying and was just fed up with it! (T_T)

In the end, I got a pretty good ending. Everyone survived, except for Jessica, who unfortunately died in Chapter 4 due to my clumsiness. Even Joshua survived, but honestly, I wouldn't count the transformed wendigo version as "alive"; he was already dead, to be honest... but hey! What matters is that I achieved the achievement of saving every boy in the game, so I'm at least proud of that. I'm genuinely upset that I couldn't save Jessica, but that's how it is.

My favorites were definitely Chris and Ashley. Their bond was really cute, and I also liked their dynamics. (As long as you make the right choices for a good story) I was rooting for them throughout the game. I really loved Ashley.

Life Is Strange: Before The Storm

Review: 3.5/5.0

Genre: Choice Based

Platform: PC

I don't even have the words to express how amazing and all the feelings this game made me feel. It's incredible. First of all, I was already in love with Chloe Price from the first game. She's so cool... and with the second game, I fell even more in love with her! This game was a rollercoaster of emotions, and I really enjoyed every second of it. I think the first game was better overall, the ending was a masterpiece, but I had more fun playing the second one. It was somehow more fun and entertaining!

And I really liked that the creators decided to make this prequel. The fact that I could explore the bond between Chloe and Amber made the first game even more emotional! And the ending... it was very frustrating!! We couldn't fully enjoy the girls' relationship because we had to be reminded of what happened in the first game. NOT funny at all!! ヽ(≧□≦)ノ

Life Is Strange

Review: 4.0/5.0

Genre: Choice Based

Platform: PC

I can't express how much this game captivated me... Truly, it changed the way I think. This game will undoubtedly always have a special place in my heart! I first discovered it in 2019, but I couldn't finish it then. Recently, I decided to give it another try, and I'm in a state of absolute happiness! This game is absolutely fascinating and presents an incredibly emotional story.

The last chapter was also just insane and an rollercoaster of emotions.

I really loved this game, and I also loved the atmosphere and the aesthetic of the landscape, the characters, and so on.
I really liked Max Caulfield as the main character; she is very interesting, and her perspectives on certain things seem really cool, like she always comes up with something that will make you think. She has a pleasant 'philosophical' way of looking at things, and that made her a very enjoyable main character for me.

Your Turn To Die

Review: 4.0/5.0

Genre: Adventure

Platform: PC

Your turn to die is one of my favorite games because it has a very interesting concept and plot. The game is about a group of people who are trapped in a facility where they must play a game of life and death! I think this game is amazingly well crafted, I love the visuals and all of the unique characters!! I've been obsessed with this game for a few years, and I replayed it like 123492384 times. I know this game by heart! I wanna make a shrine for it too......

The visuals are wonderfully crafted, and each character is unique, with their own personalities and backgrounds. The game's developers have put in a lot of effort to make sure that each character is memorable and somewhat relatable to the player.

Anyways, the game has a good balance of sadness and fear, with some scenes being very emotional and others being very tense.. The puzzles in the game are also very well-designed and require some critical thinking to solve, they are challenging, but not so difficult that they take away from the overall experience.

Spoilers below! Sorry TT__TT

Okay and i just have to say how much this game broke me the first time i played it. i went through it completely blind and i had no idea what was going happen!! and the first trial broke my heart in a million pieces. joe and kai were both such nice characters and i wish we saw more of them.. personally i really loved joe, but i think kai was particularly interesting. i really wanted to know more about him.. he was mysterious-ish.... okay, and the 2nd trial, i just have to say i cried so mf bad because nao was and is my favourite character and i don't care what anyone says she was so adorable and kind and i felt so bad for her the entire game. also sou's (..shin? idk what to call him LOL) was sad too. though i must say i hated his guts the entire first time i played. but when he showed sara that joe ai or wtv it was idk i kinda felt bad. plus he was so pretty i was crushing on him the entire game even tho he was insufferable!!!!!!!!!! and i am only accepting the lesbian ending. OKAY though i do really wanna see the ending of the game.. i wonder if its going to be a happy one or a sad one. even so i think whatever it is, its gonna be very amazing. and i'll definitely cry very much because this game means so much to me and i cant comprehend it ending. like everytime a new chapter comes out i replay the entire thing from start to finish.

i'll also wanna talk about reko and alice. the first time i played i saved reko i mean ;( i just loved her and nao so bad, even though i loved alice so much i wanted reko to live sobadddddddddddddddddddddd. anyways like i said ive replayed it multiple times, the first time i had the kanna and reko route, and i've also played the sou and alice route (where sou and alice r the ones who live, no more kanna and reko (TT___TT)) i kinda wanna keep going with this one since i heard its the more depressing route or sth. i dont know if its true but i like the more fucked up routes so i went with it. but obviously i'll replay it a bunch of times more when the next chapter comes out. so like i wont miss anything.......................

WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT Q-TARO. and honestly i didnt cry at his death. he died like a mf hero tho. kudos to him